Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Practice What You Preach...

While deciding on the name for this little journal of mine, I was trying to think of words that really describe me.  The word "spontaneous" kept coming to mind, so I looked up the definition to read the true meaning, and this is what I came across:



  1. Performed or occurring without premeditation or external stimulus.
  2. (of a person) Having a natural, and uninhibited manner.

Yep.  Nailed it.  I feel like "Spontaneity" (yes, I had to use spell-check to get that one right) could be my middle name.  I'm the queen of seeing a fun idea or event, and without thinking, just going for it! Sometimes it gets me in to trouble, but those are the moments that we remember in life...right?

You know, I'm a huge fan of blogs.  From cooking to decorating, traveling to pregnancy blogs (no mom..I'm not pregnant), I love them all.  I am also religious about keeping up with some of my dearest, most hilarious friends through their blogs...and even some people that would probably think I'm creepy because I stalk their blogs so much.  Many of my conversations start with, "Hey I was reading so-and-so's blog, and..." or "There is a great idea for that on what's-her-name's blog..."  So, I've decided it's time to jump on the bandwagon, practice what I preach, and start my own!  Here it goes, y'all!

Honestly, there is never a dull moment around I'm hoping to fill this blog with all of the wonderful memories we make.  My main goal is to document all of our exciting travels, as well as fun decor ideas, DIY projects, recipes...OK, so my blog is quite possibly going to be as spontaneous and A.D.D as I am!  Hopefully you will enjoy the ride as much as I do :)

Here are some fun pics of our little family to start us off on the right foot!

P.S. I'm aware of the fact that my font is lacking.  The teacher in me has kept me from publishing this blog for 2 weeks, just because I couldn't figure out how to change the ugly font!  (I mean, seriously, why are there only like 5 font options?!?  Can't blogger get together with Kevin and Amanda at and give us some fonts with more personality?!?) Whew, now that I got that off my chest... just bear with me.  Hopefully I will figure it out soon!  Until then...


  1. Amanda over at Kevin and Amanda's blog has a great tutorial for changing the fonts for your headings and dates. :)
